FSI routinely gathers together for a company meeting on a quarterly basis. We’ll go over various topics such as YTD metrics, announcements and employee recognition. When we get together, we try to have a little fun while we’re doing it.
One of our most recent company meetings had us preparing and serving our employees a low country boil. What is a low country boil, you ask? Let’s see what answers we can find online (since everything is true on the internet, right?). Copilot had this to say, which sounds about right:

With the various meals that we’ve provided over the years, we’ve tried just about everything. Pizza is the easiest. But you can only serve pizza every so often, otherwise, everyone gets tired of it. We’ve catered meals entirely, brought in food trucks, had potluck meals, and we’ve got a nice grill that we fire up every now and then for hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken, etc. Our grill also has a couple of burners we hadn’t tried out yet, so this gave us a good excuse to make use of them.
This particular occasion probably stretched our amateur culinary skills the most. Cooking 1 pot of all the main ingredients together is one thing, but trying to do multiple pots to all be ready at the same time for 130+ people was quite another feat to accomplish.

It was a lot of work, and our employees are well worth it. We got the timing right, and everyone absolutely enjoyed everything about it. We even had a playlist with some classic country/cajun music hits submitted by the employees. They were just about ready for some country music line dancing, but we had to get back to work. Got to make sure the orders still ship out on time, you know.

Whether we’re handling a record pick/pack/ship order volume day, meeting a client’s impossible kit packing deadline, or trying to feed 130+ of the best fulfillment employees in the world at the same time, FSI knows how to come together to pull it off and make it look easy, and have fun doing it at the same time.